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Wet Plucking Machine. Novital Esterina.

 Wet Plucking Machine. Novital Esterina.

Wet Plucking Machine. Novital Esterina.

A small sturdy wet chicken plucking machine for the smallholder.

An effective wet plucking machine with 24 rubber fingers & very easy to clean.

This wet plucker is suitable for Chickens & small Ducks.

It will not do Turkeys or Geese despite what other companies tell you.

After dipping / scalding the bird in hot water, place the bird against the drum which has rotating rubber fingers which will remove the feathers but not tear the birds skin.

Spare plucking fingers & drums available at reasonable costs.

Motor power: 300w

Hourly production: 50 chickens approx.

Scalding Temperatures for Wet Plucking Poultry As Follows:

Chicken:  65-70 degrees C for 30 to 45 seconds.

Duck: 65-70 degrees C for 60 to 120 seconds.


Novital Esternia wet plucking machine for chickens.

Novital Poultry Supplies are sold in Ireland & UK by MacEoin General Merchants Ltd. Dingle. Co. Kerry.



Price: €450.00

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